Thursday, February 20, 2014

No Typical Day

It's not that today wasn't a typical day, it's that there isn't a typical day in a house with a newborn. Each day has a little of everything and anything...You never know. Here are some of our activities over the last few days.

Baby yoga...child's pose...

And play with friends...

Art time with Katelyn...

And train play...

Family pictures...

Planting squash seeds...

And snuggling in for a walk...

Here's the view of the Olympics from Discovery Park today.

And a good rest after our walk for us all.

There was some fussing and crying from a gassy tummy today, but you'd never know it from this picture!

Sleep tight!

1 comment:

  1. I love the bear keeping your feet warm in your nap photo. Hehe. What a wonderful day and so much to do!
