Friday, May 31, 2013

The Return of the Ladyslippers

I discovered these beauties yesterday and took the camera to them this morning.  A total of 7 blooms this year! Almost every year for the last 9 years I have lived here, the twins return in all their splendor.

And each one is a masterpiece in its own right.

Be the Thing You See
John Moffitt

To look at any thing,
If you would know that thing,
You must look at it long:
To look at this green and say
'I have seen spring in these
Woods,' will not do--you must
Be the thing you see:
You must be the dark snakes of
Stems and ferny plumes of leaves,
You must enter in
To the small silences between
The leaves,
You must take your time
And touch the very peace
They issue from.

Source: To Look at Any Thing

1 comment:

  1. I love the accompanying poem with the photos! I completely agree with the words... viewing and seeing/being are two different things. :) I love your photos!
