Monday, April 24, 2017

Epilogue and bloopers

One thing that I didn't get much of in Seattle, REST!

I did find a couple of pictures to prove that I got some...usually with cat help.

I've made an "effort" to catch up on my naps since I got home, especially since jet lag really makes me spacey for a few days.

And lest you think that none of my pictures and videos needed editing...

A crooked picture plus feet!

a thumb picture...

and an almost perfect shadow, which is kind of cool, but not what I was after.

And I think this is the best of my blooper videos: "I can't see the display on the phone! Is it taking a picture? I think I'm hitting the button... Oh, it's on video!"

Now to settle back into life in Michigan.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Heading Home

I really like Seattle...

Public transportation,

public art,

broad-minded attitudes,


earth awareness, conservation, and recycling culture,

Travis, who is 3, while visiting elsewhere, asked his Mom, "Why no 3 cans?" when he went to deposit his recycling, compostables, and trash.

Here are the family's bins on trash/recycling day. Very little goes to the landfill. Yeay!

Environmental awareness with a little humor...

spectacular views,

farmers' markets,

and the Theo Chocolate factory.

But, of course, what I love most about Seattle, is FAMILY!

Bye for now...   :-(

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Discovery Park Day 2: North Beach Found!

Yes, the steps down to North Beach! These are the first of many flights and sloping trails.

Another gorgeous day, though I think I got rained on maybe 5 times for 30 seconds each while I was out.


It was low tide.

I found a Hobbit's hut,

a hidden waterfall,

and a Blue Heron standing extremely still, imitating tall weeds.

Here's today's adventure map.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Discovery Park Day 1: Adventure/Misadventure

Ah, Monday, and everyone has gone back to school and work. A perfect day for a walk at Discovery Park. Join me!

It's a hilly place...

Spectacular views. I see mountains!

A young eagle, I believe.

Blooming blackberries!


Now for the misadventure part...
Well, as the map below shows, I started out toward the South Beach, went to Lighthouse Point, then started back planning to walk along the North Beach. I guess I missed the appropriate trail, but found another that got narrower and muddier. I ended up along a fence line then a concrete wall! And then, a gate! On the map you can see that I got trapped on the south side of the long gray triangle.

It is the waste water treatment plant!

Since I couldn't get in, nor would I want to, and didn't want to walk back, I thought I could "just" cut through the brush and trees to the trail that I knew existed at the top of the ridge which seemed visible. It was not. It was only one of three ridges, each another 30-50 feet higher through thicker and thicker "blooming blackberries" at steeper and steeper slopes. But once I had made it to the first ridge it didn't seem sensible to go back down, so I went up. All totaled, according to my tracking app, about 200 feet up! Not as steep as rock climbing, but steep enough to use small trees and thick ferns to try to hang on and pull up. I had to stop repeatedly to catch my breath and stop laughing at myself for getting into such a predicament!

At the top of the highest ridge I found the trail. I was only about the equivalent of a block away from where the path descends via STEPS to the North Beach. I didn't have it in me to go down again.

Those blackberry brambles have no mercy. This was right through my pants and long sleeved shirt.

I'm thinking about another adventure tomorrow. Maybe North Beach by way of trails and steps.