Friday, February 28, 2014

Kiwanis Ravine

So having stated in a previous post that the Kiwanis Ravine was on my list to see, Karen suggested it for our walk today.

I had been saying that I "wanted to go down into the ravine." Karen helped me understand that the trails didn't go "down into the ravine," but rather around the ravine.

It was quite deep and thoroughly inaccessible. And protected land, of course.

The train, on the other hand, goes through the ravine...

while we walk over the ravine on a bridge.

We actually walked all the way around the ravine, a 2.4 mile trip. Seeing the train was a special bonus for me...I LOVE trains!

Here's more info on the Kiwanis Ravine:

"Kiwanis Ravine is a natural area that sits close to the eastern edge of Seattle's Discovery Park. The ravine was formed by two drainages coming from the east and west forks of Wolfe Creek. Very little is left of those drainages today, but what remains does channel water down through Kiwanis Ravine toward the Lake Washington Ship Canal, where it is intercepted and piped to West Point, a nearby wastewater treatment plant. The ravine is home to many species of birds, plants, and animals, particularly the Great Blue Heron. In 2010 the ravine hosted approximately 80 successful heron nests."  Read more...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

More Adventures with Karen

So this morning before I even got my hair braided, I was commandeered for a "Karen Adventure."

Yes, I am sitting on top of the clothes dryer holding Travis while Karen looks for tools to rescue a pair of Katelyn's pants from behind the dryer. She had tried, but her arm was too short due to her after-baby, breast-feeding body shape.

Well, of course, my arm was too short, too, due to having short arms on a round body!

So I started with the regular broom, but it wouldn't fit because of the shelf. So on to Katelyn's broom. It would reach, but it was too slippery. We tried the scrubber on a stick, but still too slippery. Then I saw the cat grooming gloves that have rubbery grippers on them. Glove on the end of the scrubber and Voila!


We even found a pair of Katelyn's panties back there, too, that she has already outgrown. Karen figures they were hiding back there at least a month!

The plan is to block off the troublesome access to reduce the need for this adventure again.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GraMary Goes on Vacation

Due to appointments, Todd stayed home today with Karen and Travis, and I went "On Vacation!"

I went to Seattle Center to the EMP (Experience Music Project) Museum which is right next to the Space Needle.

The outside of the building is all wavy and shiny in silver, blue, and magenta. The Monorail runs right through the building!

They have even painted a Chartres Labyrinth just outside the front entrance. How fun to see a mom and a three year old enjoying it. It was about 55 degrees and sunny!

The museum caught my attention because it has exhibits on Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror Films/TV/Video, Music videos, a Sound Lab, and a temporary exhibit on architecture.

Captain Kirk's chair from Star Trek and a Goa'uld guard mask from Stargate SG-1. What I love about science fiction is that the best authors, in my opinion, use the medium to address current social issues by separating them from humans and/or earth in current time or turning an issue upside down (the norm is the opposite of what it is currently in our society) thereby giving readers/watchers the opportunity to become observers from a distance.

Most of the horror stuff wasn't up my alley, but I loved the interactive monster maker!

Next... the fantasy exhibit.

Lots of information on Archetypes and some interactive play to choose which archetype you might be in certain situations. I didn't bother with a picture of the Wicked Witch of the West's hat; I have my own!

Then to the architecture section which I discovered was replicas of real buildings all created using Lego bricks.

Yes, even the Space Needle! ALL LEGOs!

As cool as the sculptures were, I loved the millions of Lego bricks available for anyone and everyone to be a builder even more!

Check out what "amateurs" created.

And after checking out the guitar sculpture which actually has computerized guitars that play music of their own creation...

I moved on to the Sound Lab where I had a tutorial on playing Reggae music on the drums and another for brushing up on some basic keyboarding. There were recording rooms where anyone could record their own music and practice rooms too. Everyone seemed to like this group percussion maker.

After all that, a seriously long day, I rested in front of the giant screen to watch music videos by "OK Go" before heading back to the bus stop. Check this out. A weird, yet cool group.

A wonderful vacation day.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


One good thing that has occurred over these last two weeks has been an increase in my willingness to move my body. It's been a long, hard winter for me both physically and emotionally. And I had gotten to where I didn't even want to walk to the mailbox because of snow, cold, ice, and poor attitude.

So coming to Seattle without snow or ice and with some occasional sun and mild temperatures has been a boon for me. And I've been willing and even wanting to get outside and walk.

Here are some pictures from where I've been walking...
Ballard Farmers' Market

Discovery park

My walking partners

 This one is a Spotted Towhee.

Puget Sound and West Point Lighthouse

Green Lake

 American Crow

 Canada Geese

These guys are called American Coots. They are not ducks. Here's more info on them, if you're interested:  They are residents here. Though they summer in Michigan, I can't say I've ever noticed them before.

Here's a link to a map of where I walked in Discovery Park, if you want to take a look:

I want to try all the trails at least once. I'm going to go to Kiwanis Ravine which is also nearby one of these days. Of course, all this happens between baby and house care, but my daughter believes as I do that, as Dr. Spock put it, "The baby must be aired out daily." Or as my Grandmother would say, "You've got to go outside and blow the stink off ya!"

I'm really grateful that I'm starting to get my energy back.

Monday, February 24, 2014

"New" Computer

You haven't heard much from me for a while because my computer was receiving a makeover. Windows XP operating system will no longer be supported come April, so Todd convinced me of the need to upgrade at least to Windows 7. This means that I have needed to transfer all my files elsewhere and then bring them back, reinstall programs, set up many settings again, you know, the usual hassles involved with upgrades. And I am not so computer savvy as to be able to accomplish most of it without his watchful eye, so only a little time each night after kids are asleep.

But now I am up and running again, and I've been writing a short children's' story on paper. We'll see how long it takes me to get it to the blog.  :-)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Visions of Spring for Midwest and Easterners

Here is Travis exhibiting empathy for all of you caught in the crazy winter weather.

Think Spring! I know it will come...

Open water and green grass!

Green Lake

 Chittenden Locks

Sending you all warm Spring love,

Thursday, February 20, 2014

No Typical Day

It's not that today wasn't a typical day, it's that there isn't a typical day in a house with a newborn. Each day has a little of everything and anything...You never know. Here are some of our activities over the last few days.

Baby yoga...child's pose...

And play with friends...

Art time with Katelyn...

And train play...

Family pictures...

Planting squash seeds...

And snuggling in for a walk...

Here's the view of the Olympics from Discovery Park today.

And a good rest after our walk for us all.

There was some fussing and crying from a gassy tummy today, but you'd never know it from this picture!

Sleep tight!