Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blue Butterfly!

Red-spotted Purple (Liminitis arthemis)

This beauty surprised me with a visit again today. Yesterday as my shoes lay outside a friend's home, another just like her landed on them.  Then she walked down inside! She turned around, one complete circle, then emerged, rested, and flew off.  Yet a moment later, she was back, flying around my legs and even brushed me with one of her wings. I believe she wanted to catch my attention...It worked!

When I see a butterfly, I always think of transformation or metamorphosis...the ability to change. I think she came to me to remind me that I am able to change, see things differently, choose to act differently, if old ways no longer serve me. May it be so. I would like to move from a old place of deep skepticism/distrust of all things unseeable and unprovable to an increased openness to all the mystery and magic around me.

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