Wednesday, July 31, 2013

And Now the Big Adventure Begins

It was a dark and stormy night...

Actually, it was 5:15 am, and it was raining heavily and still quite dark. Amazing how a month ago it was quite light by this time of the morning. On to the airport for my flight to Seattle!

I flew on Frontier Airlines which now sports a different animal picture on the tail of each plane. I flew with Mel the Mule Deer to Denver.

Flying somewhere over the western Midwest. Square upon square for hundreds of miles... Wet and green.

Then farther west.  Drier and drier to where only what is irrigated is green...

And into Denver. It was so cloudy that I just barely discerned some mountains, nothing I could capture in a picture. So a bit of a layover and then on to Seattle with Carl the Coyote.

Never did see any mountains, but this landscape was definitely not flat.

And into Seattle and a surprise. Since my plane was delayed out of Denver, my daughter and son-in-law, Karen and Todd, were able to pick me up right at the airport. We proceeded to my granddaughter, Katelyn's preschool. What a joy to see them all in person; to hug and touch and laugh together!

Then to one of the Seattle Farmers' Markets! It's enough to make this farmer market lover from LeRoy, Michigan, cry with delight! Here's Katelyn picking out just the right pint of blackberries for this week. I was so busy looking and tasting and eating and delighting in my family and their friends that I didn't take any more pictures!

Thank you to Julie, Connie, Sylvia, Betty, and others who are helping with my responsibilities while I am away. I am grateful!

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