Tuesday, February 25, 2014


One good thing that has occurred over these last two weeks has been an increase in my willingness to move my body. It's been a long, hard winter for me both physically and emotionally. And I had gotten to where I didn't even want to walk to the mailbox because of snow, cold, ice, and poor attitude.

So coming to Seattle without snow or ice and with some occasional sun and mild temperatures has been a boon for me. And I've been willing and even wanting to get outside and walk.

Here are some pictures from where I've been walking...
Ballard Farmers' Market

Discovery park

My walking partners

 This one is a Spotted Towhee.

Puget Sound and West Point Lighthouse

Green Lake

 American Crow

 Canada Geese

These guys are called American Coots. They are not ducks. Here's more info on them, if you're interested: http://birds.audubon.org/birds/american-coot  They are residents here. Though they summer in Michigan, I can't say I've ever noticed them before.

Here's a link to a map of where I walked in Discovery Park, if you want to take a look: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2ehgp6TIgYlNXBQSU5Xbl9wdmM/edit

I want to try all the trails at least once. I'm going to go to Kiwanis Ravine which is also nearby one of these days. Of course, all this happens between baby and house care, but my daughter believes as I do that, as Dr. Spock put it, "The baby must be aired out daily." Or as my Grandmother would say, "You've got to go outside and blow the stink off ya!"

I'm really grateful that I'm starting to get my energy back.

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