Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween, All Saints, All Souls

This trilogy of special days, Halloween, All Saint's Day, and All Souls' Day, bring special memories to me.

Me 1956

First, Halloween, aka All Hallows Eve. I remember my clown costume from when I was 4.  It was multicolored and made of a slippery material and even had a pointy hat with it.  Most of all, I remember that I refused to take it off and wore it day and night probably for a week. Here's my daughter, Karen, and my son, Joe, wearing my clown suit with a few patches 30 years later.
Karen and Joe 1986
The only better memory is of my now adult children being dressed up and enjoying Halloween as kids...
 Halloween 1987
                  AND my granddaughter, Katelyn, dressed up as a giraffe!  October 2012

Growing up Catholic and attending Catholic school, All Saint's Day (November 1st) was a big one.  Sometimes dressing up as saints or, as we got older, learning about all the saints, but especially the saint for whom we were named.  This may seem easy for a "Mary", but actually there were many "Marys" to choose from:  Blessed Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, St Mary of Egypt, to name three of 20 or more.  And that doesn't count all the "Marias" or "Maries."  I appreciated learning about these people of faith and courage, and being encouraged to emulate their best qualities.
Sacred Heart of Mary
But of all the days, I liked All Souls' Day best.  As a child I was taught that this was the day we prayed for all those people who had died, but hadn't been made an official saint in the church. It may have had something to do with "praying them out of purgatory," but that's another topic I'll not delve into today. It was special to me because it meant a special day for all my deceased relatives.  Thankfully, there weren't too many when I was young...pretty good longevity in my family.  But over the years the list has lengthened significantly.
Grandpa Jim, Grandma Gertie, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Alice 6/18/1919
Grandma Gertie and sister, Aunt Lydia

Grandma Weber
Dad and Mom
my brother, Brian

Mom's brother, Uncle Jim
Dad's sister, Aunt Eileen
Dad's brother, Uncle Forrest
Dad's sister, Aunt Hazel
"Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 
May they rest in peace. Amen."

Blessings on you all and many more without pictures here.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very special post Mary, thank you for sharing. I love the photos! I'm grateful for the time to remember relatives too, it's important.
