Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Sleepy Day and Sea Glass Day

Tuesday - I must have worn her out! She woke up long enough to say goodbye to Mom, Dad, and Travis as they went to work and daycare, then went back to bed. I checked her twice, even hand to forehead. She was fine and sound asleep. She came downstairs at 11:48 am! (About 5-1/2 hours later than normal.)

Then on to some bookmaking and hat decorating until she left for a play date with a friend.

 A wonderfully relaxing day for me!

Wednesday - Searching for sea glass. We took the bus to the Water Taxi, a people-only ferry that goes from downtown Seattle to West Seattle, a peninsula, by water.

We went to Alki Beach, renowned for its accumulation of sea glass. First, we found SCUBA divers practicing with underwater compasses.

Then we started to look for sea glass. Actually, it was a bust! We found a few tiny pieces, but nothing like what I found on South Beach in Discovery Park last week!

 That did not keep us from enjoying the beach and the trip.

"GraMary, are those real birds? I think they are bird statues. Oh! It moved! They ARE real birds!"

"This is Mt. Everest in Nepal!"

"This is a bed, no! A crib!"

Heading back to Seattle.

On Katelyn's request, we went back to the li-berry to see what art project was available for today and look for more books. We drew faces and made tree ring drawings (concentric circles for our number of years) noting important happenings in our lives on the appropriate rings. I ran ouy of paper trying to make 63 circles.  :-)

Books of interest today included motorcycles, dragons, and art designs and patterns by Native Peoples. Only the largest and heaviest books seemed appealing...

On the way home, we were on a search for the elusive purple buses. They are all electric and use overhead cables; so only run downtown for that reason. It is all Travis can talk about, so Katelyn said we MUST get some pictures for him.


1 comment:

  1. I love the tree ring idea for our lives! Beautiful photos too!
