Thursday, August 23, 2012

Fungus part 2 and Lichen!

One of my avid readers ;-) Becky, helped me find the name of these wonderful pink fungi.

Rose-colored coral fungi (Clavaria rosea)

And then I discovered that this white one is also a coral fungi.

Crested coral fungi (Clavulina cristata)

Well, at least that's my best guess since there are many look-a-likes, but it seems they are all considered coral fungi.

On the left hand side of the above picture, you may also notice these lichen.

fruticose lichen

Here's another lichen with which you might be more familiar.

British soldiers (Cladonia cristatella)

Now a riddle from another reader, Katie...

Why did the moss and the fungi (fun guy) get married?

Wait for it...

Have you guessed yet?


Thank you Katie and Becky!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the chuckle this morning. Love it.
    I thought you might appreciate the more common name for the fruticose lichen: Fairy Cups. They always make me want to hide in wait for the party.
