Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meeting a friend for lunch

Well, I had planned to eat lunch alone on the deck at my house.  But I had a wonderful surprise visitor when I brought my salad out to the table!

It was some sort of small hopper, but didn't look like the majority of grasshoppers that are all over the yard.  This one beside being more brilliantly green than the others had a shiny brown back and long tail-like appendage, but most of all, it had the longest antennae I've ever seen on that size animal!

We chatted for a while, and then she/he became quite chummy.  I don't usually share my food on the first date!

After examining my oil and dill vinegar dressing with its antennae, it proceeded to clean off the antennae or maybe taste my concoction right there on the side of my bowl while I finished my salad. My choice to continue eating while we shared did not seem to bother her/him.

Since it didn't seem ready to leave when my lunch break was over (I had wood stacking on my agenda for the afternoon), I said goodbye and left my bowl on the table outside.  When I came back at 4:30, she/he had moved in, so to speak! 

Fearing it was somehow stuck in the leftover dressing, or woozy from eating for 5 hours, I reached in to nudge it, and it leapt straight up about 3 feet, startling me thoroughly!  I said good evening to my unexpected lunch guest and went inside to fix my dinner.  I didn't figure that I needed to share that too, so I decided to eat inside alone.

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