Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Doughnut Running Race

This is the first time that I have participated in the Top Pot Doughnut Dash 5K. When I was first planning to go to Seattle, my daughter asked if I'd be interested since I'd be there that day. I said yes and started training to walk the 3.1 miles. Well, hip, back, and foot problems aside, I was ready on the day of the race.

The rest of the gang took off running.

I started the race with only two goals:
   1. To finish the 5k without hurting myself.
   2. To not be the last person to finish.
You may not think those lofty goals, but they were for me!

Then, as I walked at a moderate pace for me, I saw this "old" guy wearing a bright green t-shirt that said "TEAM TRANSPLANT" on it. He kept getting farther and farther ahead of me. I decided that I needed a third goal:
   3. I will finish before the TEAM TRANSPLANT guy!

And once I really warmed up at around the one mile mark, I picked up my pace. It took me to mile two to catch up with him. But I did, and passed him and many others. I crossed the finish line in one hour and one minute! That's really fast for me! And Travis joined me for the last few steps.

Then it was time for the little kids' race. Travis ran like greased lightning! Look! Both feet off the ground!

Later in the day, we went to play at Ella Bailey Park. It was the nicest weather day of my whole time in Seattle.

I couldn't keep up with them, so I tried Katelyn's bike and peddled hard, but a too small bike doesn't help much.

So I went back to playing UNO in the wind with the gang.

The day went so quickly. Soon it was time for my last night of bedtime books and snuggles. I head back to Michigan tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Go Mary!! You had quite the adventurous triathlon (running, biking, Uno - obviously)! I love the goals you set for your 5K, made me smile!
